Contact Us
So that we may best serve you, please complete the form below to contact us. If you would like to rent one of our available properties, please visit WJD Homes and submit the form for the residence you are interested in. If you are a homeowner interested in our services, please request a FREE Rental Market Analysis of your Northern Virginia property. Thank you.
3829 Plaza Drive, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030
703.385.3600 local
703.385.8144 fax
866.936.3600 toll-free email
Business hours are 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
We are closed on weekends and holidays.
Driving Directions
- From I-495 (Capital Beltway) take I-66 West to Exit 60 for Route 123 South.
- Proceed on Route 123 South across Route 50 to Kenmore Drive just before the bridge and turn left.
- Go one block on Kenmore Drive to University Drive.
- Turn right on University Drive and proceed to Democracy Lane at the light.
- Turn left on Democracy Lane and follow to Plaza Drive.
- Turn right on Plaza Drive then take an immediate left into the parking lot. Bear to the left and we are the first entrance on the main floor.