property management companies

How are Property Management Companies Organized?

Have you ever wondered how property management companies are structured to efficiently handle a diverse portfolio of rental properties? As a landlord or property owner, understanding the organizational setup of these companies is crucial when selecting the right partner to manage your valuable assets, especially if you own residential properties in Northern Virginia.

Property management companies typically adopt one of three structures: portfolio style, departmental style, or a hybrid approach. While each has its merits, the departmental structure stands out for its specialized expertise and streamlined operations. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of these organizational structures, with a special focus on the benefits of the departmental approach favored by top-tier residential property management companies serving areas such as Alexandria, Fairfax, Arlington, McLean, and Falls Church in Northern Virginia.

Portfolio Property Management Structure

In the portfolio property management structure, properties are divided into portfolios based on geographic regions. Each portfolio is assigned a specific property manager who oversees a team of experts responsible for managing the units within that portfolio.

Overview of Portfolio Style

The portfolio style setup is less popular but still used by some property management companies. The properties under management are grouped into portfolios, usually determined by geographic regions. A dedicated property manager is assigned to each portfolio.

Advantages of Portfolio Property Management

  1. Clients and tenants have a single point of contact, providing a seamless customer experience.
  2. The property manager has comprehensive knowledge of everything happening with their clients, properties, and tenants.
  3. Minimal communication wastage allows for quick decision-making and action.
  4. Hiring a new property manager does not disrupt existing operations.

Disadvantages of Portfolio Property Management

  1. The property manager becomes a single point of failure for an entire set of clients, causing issues during absences or departures.
  2. Inconsistency in handling operational details as each property manager may have their own approach.
  3. Property managers must possess a diverse skill set and excel at multiple aspects of property management.

Departmental Property Management Structure

In the departmental property management structure, the company is organized into specialized departments such as leasing, property management, administrative, accounting, and maintenance. Each department focuses on a specific set of responsibilities and works on all the properties under management.

Overview of Departmental Style

The departmental style is the more traditional approach to property management. Employees in each department excel at their specific tasks and go deep in their area of expertise, allowing for consistent service delivery across all properties.

Advantages of Departmental Property Management

  1. Hiring specialists instead of generalists enables employees to excel in their roles.
  2. Service delivery becomes consistent from property to property and client to client.
  3. Standardized operating procedures (SOPs) can be documented and followed.
  4. New employees can be trained quickly due to their narrow set of responsibilities.

Disadvantages of Departmental Property Management

  1. Duties constantly change as the company grows and tasks are redistributed among employees.
  2. Clients may lack a single point of contact and be bounced between departments for answers.
  3. Significant time can be wasted communicating between departments.
  4. No single person oversees a client’s overall portfolio or performance.

Hybrid Property Management Structure

The hybrid property management structure combines elements of both the portfolio and departmental styles, leveraging their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. This approach allows for specialization within departments while maintaining a level of personalized service for clients.

Overview of Hybrid Style

In a hybrid setup, core back-office functions such as accounting and maintenance are handled at the departmental level, ensuring consistency and efficiency. However, property managers still oversee specific portfolios, providing a single point of contact for clients and tenants.

Advantages of Hybrid Property Management

  1. Clients benefit from having a dedicated property manager who is familiar with their properties and needs.
  2. Departmental expertise ensures that specialized tasks are handled effectively and consistently.
  3. Communication between departments is streamlined, reducing wasted time and resources.
  4. The hybrid structure allows for scalability as the company grows, without sacrificing quality of service.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Property Management

  1. Implementing a hybrid structure can be complex and may require significant resources to set up and maintain.
  2. There may be some overlap in responsibilities between property managers and departments, leading to potential confusion.
  3. Balancing the needs of individual clients with the standardization of departmental processes can be challenging.


In summary, understanding the organizational structure of property management companies is essential for landlords and property owners to make informed decisions when selecting a partner to manage their valuable assets. The departmental structure, favored by top-tier residential property management companies like WJD Management in Northern Virginia, offers specialized expertise and streamlined operations, ensuring consistent and efficient service delivery across all properties. By having dedicated experts in marketing, leasing, maintenance, inspections, and accounting under one roof, the departmental approach overcomes the limitations of the portfolio style and provides a superior property management experience for clients in Alexandria, Fairfax, Arlington, McLean, and Falls Church.

If you are ready to hire a professional property manager, take advantage of WJD Management’s 40+ years of experience in Northern Virginia Property Management, and feel free to utilize their exclusive FREE Rental Market Analysis. To stay connected and receive valuable tips, ideas, and updates, follow WJD Management on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.


1. What is the ideal business structure for a property management company?
Most property management companies opt to form either a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) or an unincorporated business entity, such as an S-Corp or C-Corp. These structures are popular due to their benefits in liability protection and tax treatment.

2. How can property managers maintain organization in their operations?
The key to organization for property managers is thorough documentation. It is crucial to document all pertinent information, including rental applications, inspection reports, invoices, and tenant requests. This ensures that everything necessary for managing the property is accurately recorded and easily accessible.

3. What is the typical fee percentage charged by property management companies?
Property management companies generally charge a monthly management fee that ranges from 8% to 12% of the property’s monthly rent. For example, if the rent is $1,200 per month, the management fee would likely be between $96 and $144 per month.

4. What is the primary duty of a property manager towards the property owner?
A property manager’s foremost duty to the property owner is to protect and enhance their investment. This involves efforts to preserve or increase the property’s value, maximize rental income, and ensure high occupancy rates, all of which contribute to the successful management of the property.